Thursday, October 3, 2013

Let's Talk About That

So since starting my blog, taking a 9 month (unintentional) hiatus, and starting back up, we've covered a lot of different topics in very few posts. I have every intention of keeping that theme going because let's face it- life's random, I'm random, and this blog is a reflection of that. I've introduced myself, had some brief and fleeting moments of clarity, told you about my job, and made fun of a total stranger.

I'm going to keep my random posts coming with my seemingly profound observations, some recipes and cooking adventures are already in the works, and maybe even more commentary (Hopefully more positive... but where's the fun in that?).

My last post was my most popular by a long shot, and what I enjoyed most about it was the couple comments I received! I love your feedback and you guys are hilarious and also made awesome points that I totally glazed over.

I want to open the floor to you, my delightful readers. Send me an article you found dumb or cool or interesting and let's talk about it. If you have food questions I'd LOVE to answer and discuss them with you. Or even (nay, especially) your random thoughts and observations (as long as your willing to laugh at yourself). Basically, I'm asking for ideas. What do YOU want to read about? Granted- I'm still going to write whatever the hell I want to write about. That's why this blog exists remember? But you guys are pretty cool, so let's chat. Either email me or post a comment and we'll get started.

Put on your thinking caps!

P.S planning on spending a little time in the kitchen today so come back around snack time.

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