Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I feel as though I should start out with some sort of introductory post. Although as I'm typing this, I'm really not sure where to start. Welcome to my blog.. Hope what I am about to say is at least somewhat interesting.

Well... I'm currently a college student. I attend Johnson and Wales University where I am studying Culinary Arts and Food Service Management. I have been asked over and over what I want to do with my career. My answer is always an elaborate "I don't know." I know it will have something to do with food- and that's my starting point. I have a long list of things I'd love to try, from chef to food writer to sommelier. I'd love to at least try most of them. So far, I have been unsuccessful at narrowing it down any further.

I very obviously love cooking but some of my other hobbies include listening to music, snowboarding, spending far too much time on social media sites, and writing. Going to school in Colorado has given me a chance to really appreciate the outdoors. I love to escape to the mountains to hike or snowboard as much as I can. Unfortunately with going to school and holding down a part time job, it's not as often as I would like.

I hope to update this blog as often as I can with my random observations and thoughts. Being in culinary school, you can bet I'll include some food adventures as well. I guess this was sufficiently introductory, so let's get to it... Here Goes Nothing..

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