Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Power of Pen & Paper (Or In This Case, Computer Keys)

Well. Here we are almost 9 months later and my new years prediction about my new years resolution has come true. Until about 10 minutes ago, I completely forgot I started this thing just as 2013 was beginning. Apparently I even tried writing an entry in February, got about half way through, and forgot about it entirely. But I'm back for another try.

I've come to the realization that I've been going about this whole blog thing the wrong way. Back in January I made the very arrogant assumption that I had enough interesting life lessons to bestow upon the world that I could keep this going. Well here's the thing- I'm 20 and know next to nothing about how life works. I have some observations and very liquid opinions about things that I completely intend on sharing, but then rolling my eyes at in the next 1-3 years. And that's what brought me back. Instead of setting out to drop some knowledge on my fellow internet surfers, I want to treat this more as a diary or a scrapbook completely made up of words. If you stumble upon this and find it interesting, I invite you to keep reading. And if not, well this blog is still serving its purpose

That brings me to the title of this post. I don't know about you (whoever you are), but I have always found something deeply cathartic about writing, all facets of it. That's not to say every time I'm stressed, I sit down and write a novel. But some of my favorite stress relievers revolve around the written word. Whether it's sitting down listening to someone else's written word in the form of music while doodling or copying down those lyrics, or reading a book. I've never been one to consistently keep a diary, but every so often I just need to sit down with a pen and paper (or in this case, computer keys) and spill my guts. It provides the perfect opportunity to be more honest with yourself than you could ever be out loud. To say exactly on your mind without interruptions or fear of being judged. Sometimes I'll sit down and write page after page of everything I'm feeling, and sometimes I'll babble on about nothing. Either way, when I set my pen down, or stop typing, it's as if the world has left my shoulders. I guess, in a way, it's a version of talking to myself without seeming super crazy.

If you find yourself stressed out, take 10 minutes out of your day and write it out. Write out exactly what your stressing over and what you plan to do about it. That last part is important because let's be honest, if you don't use this as an opportunity to find a solution, then you're just whining. You don't necessarily have to write about yourself either. Write a story, or even read one. Writing doesn't have to mean staring your problems in the face, use it as an escape.

As I stated earlier, if you find my advice stupid, feel free to ignore it. This post, and most future posts, are my escape. If hundreds of people read this, or no one at all, this blog is still doing its job.

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